VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Quality of human capital"


Razvarina I.N.

3 (23), 2015

Razvarina I.N. FAMILY AS A FACTOR OF MENTAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN. Territorial development issues, 2015, no. 3 (23). URL: http://vtr.isert-ran.ru/article/1487?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The article is devoted to the role of modern family in the formation of good health and development of children. It discloses the results of 1995–2014 medico-sociological research “Study of the formation of a healthy generation” by several directions. It assesses the mental state of children of primary, secondary school and adolescence age. It shows the impact of economic, psychological and social characteristics of families and interpersonal relationships on the development of children of school age. The author presents the comparative analysis by age group over the ten year period. The work identifies the indicators of nervous and mental development of a child, such as family relationships, participation in social life, interests, school performance, communication skills and creativity. The article shows the importance of family as a social institute for the development and education of children, the formation of healthy and advanced generation. The relevance of the research conducted in the Vologda Oblast is justified by the need to intensify the preventive work on health protection and create conditions for the development of the child population. The monitoring results can be used in other regions to make evidence-based solutions and elaborate the system of preventive work at all government levels


family, social factors, social institution, social adaptation of a child, development of personality

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