VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Territorial economy"

The Contribution of Small Business to the Russian Exports

Yakushev N.O.

5 (45), 2018

Yakushev N.O. The contribution of small business to the russian exports. Territorial development issues, 2018, no. 5 (45). DOI: 10.15838/tdi.2018.5.45.7

DOI: 10.15838/tdi.2018.5.45.7

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
The ability to implement strategic priorities in regional development and enhance the exports activity of economic actors is a necessary condition for the country’s successful development and solution of economic problems. In countries with high domestic economic potential it is strategically important to increase the share of exports in the total volume of highly manufactured products, as well as to expand the coverage area of supplies to foreign markets. Developing non-resource industries and increasing their share in supplies to global markets amid unfavorable economic conditions are among the priorities at both national and regional level. The article presents the results of assessing the role of economic actors in the development of the Russian exports. The purpose of the research is to identify the contribution of small business to the expansion of the Russian exports with outlining their further development in the foreign economic space. The contribution of small business exports to the economic development of territories is studied and justified with analysis and statistical calculation. The article presents trends in small business exports in the global comparison in the share of supply of manufacturing industries. The structure of institutional transformations in the development of exports activity is reviewed. The article presents exports trends by federal districts and regions of the Northwestern Federal District of Russia in a 16- year interval. We analyze the experience in supporting Russian exports to foreign countries by functional features and procedures related to foreign economic activity. The main tools and institutions for support and development of exports are reviewed. We also present the regulatory documents in financial support for exports in Russia. The main tools of the regional program for supporting exports in small and medium business, currently implemented with territorial localization, are analyzed. We describe and specify the key problems of economic actors when integrating into foreign trade markets and implementing exports activity. Finally, conclusions about the key areas of small business exports development are made


region, development, business, production, exports, non-resource exports, economic actors

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