VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Territorial economy"

Revisiting the Issue Concerning Statistical Accounting of Personnel Employed in the Sphere of Science and Innovation

Klimova Y.O.

1 (46), 2019

Ushakova Yu.O. Revisiting the issue concerning statistical accounting of personnel employed in the sphere of science and innovation. Territorial development issues, 2019, no. 1 (46). URL: http://vtr.isert-ran.ru/article/28065?_lang=en DOI: 10.15838/tdi.2019.1.46.3

DOI: 10.15838/tdi.2019.1.46.3

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Formation of innovative economy is one of the urgent problems in modern Russia. In order to manage innovation processes well and to develop and implement innovative projects, we need the personnel trained to perform such activities effectively. To assess the number, composition and dynamics of personnel employed in the field of science and innovation, it is necessary to study statistics, the purposes of which are the collection, processing and provision of this information. The introduction of a new all-Russian classifier of occupations in 2015 determined the emergence of a new category of “specialists in the field of science and technology” in statistics along with the previously existing category of “personnel engaged in research and development”. This situation has led to the emergence of the difficulties of accounting for these categories. The question arises as to which of them should be used as an indicator that objectively reflects the personnel component of innovation economy. Therefore, the aim of the study is to consider ratio of categories of specialists in the field of science and technology and personnel engaged in research and development. The article presents the results of methodological and theoretical aspects of correlation of these categories. The essence of the categories “specialists in the field of science and technology” and “personnel engaged in research and development” is revealed. The classification of the first group under consideration is based on the level of specialization and qualification. In more detail, the division according to the work performed, the level of qualification and education is presented in the second category. The technique for allocation of these groups is considered. The main difference is that the data on the number of specialists in the field of science and technology are obtained on the basis of sample surveys. The analysis of the number of both categories is carried out. The results of the study show that due to the inclusion of employees who are not directly related to innovation in the first category, their number increases significantly, which does not allow us to give an objective assessment and draw the right conclusions about the state of the human resources potential of the economy. The study shows that in order to obtain the most accurate and correct information about the personnel component in the field of science and innovation, it is advisable to use the category “personnel engaged in research and development”. The practical significance of the work is associated with the possibility of using the results of research by scientists, graduate students and students involved in the problems of innovation development


innovation economy, statistics, personnel engaged in research and development, specialists in the field of science and technology, all-russian classifier of occupations, problems of methodological accounting

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