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Journal section "Territorial economy"

Analysis of Methodological Approaches to Assessing Investment At-tractiveness of a Region

Kremin A.E.

2 (47), 2019

Kremin A.E. Analysis of methodological approaches to assessing investment attractiveness of a region. Territorial development issues, 2019, no. 2 (47). URL: http://vtr.isert-ran.ru/article/28129?_lang=en DOI: 10.15838/tdi.2019.2.47.3

DOI: 10.15838/tdi.2019.2.47.3

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
Modern trends in Russia’s territorial economy, accompanied by the regionalization and the strengthening decentralization of management of local development issues, determine the important role of investment as an important source of economic growth of municipal units and the region as a whole. Many research works of foreign (J. Bailey, W. Sharp, S. Myers, etc.) and domestic (T. Rakhimov, I. Roizman, B. Reisberg, L. Abalkin, etc.) researchers scientists are devoted to the development of investment processes. However, despite this issues being considerably elaborated, Russian economic science has not developed a unified methodological approach to assessing investment attractiveness of a region, which would help determine specific areas and measures to improve it. At the first stage of the research, it seems appropriate to carry out a comparative analysis of the existing methods of assessing investment attractiveness of territories and determine their shortcomings, which is the main purpose of the present paper; the results are presented in the article. For this purpose, we reviewed the approaches to determining the nature of concepts used for describing and studying investment processes, described the existing methods of assessing the investment climate and attractiveness, and carried out their critical and comparative analysis. As a result, we come to a conclusion that the existing methodological approaches to assessing the investment attractiveness of a territory at the same time do not reflect the objective situation in the socio-economic system under review and sectoral profile of the local economy and do not determine the area of state management of the investment process, which confirms the relevance and need to develop an appropriate methodology for assessing the category under study. The next stage of the research will be devoted to addressing this problem and presented by the author in further publications. The materials of the article can be used by regional and municipal authorities in determining ways to assess the investment attractiveness of territories based on their objectives


analysis, regional economy, investment attractiveness, assessment methods, municipal units

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